Top 10 Sacred Buddhist Sites You Must Visit in India

Top 10 Sacred Buddhist Sites You Must Visit in India


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Tour with us to India for the life of your life, where Buddhism is traced with richness. Welcome to Buddhayatraa Travel and Tours. The experts take you to the most holy places, such as Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha. Thus, it is necessary to begin this spiritual journey and discover the secret of these lands.

      1. Bodh Gaya: Bodh Gaya is situated in Bihar. This is the place where Prince Siddhartha became Buddha by enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. The Mahabodhi Temple complex here is a World Heritage Site. and millions of Sacred Buddhist Sites from across the world visit this place.

      2. Sarnath: In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, located near Varanasi, is Sarnath. Where, after gaining enlightenment, a young Prince Siddharth decided to preach and thus began the initial spinning of the Wheel of Dharma. The major attractions are the Dhamek Stupa and the Ashoka Pillar, as well as the Museum of Archaeology at Sarnath.

      3. Lumbini: Thus, it is an emotionally significant site located in Nepal. But it forms part of the Buddhist trail. It is also widely recognized because it is the birthplace of a man known as Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha. The Maya Devi Temple is the place from which Buddha was born, with beautifully made gardens and monasteries around to ensure one can find some solitude in the beautiful environment.

      4. Kushinagar: Moreover, it is said that in Uttar Pradesh, lying at Kushinagar, Buddhamlich became Parinirvan; in other words, he died. The Mahaparinirvana Temple, where Buddhism’s founder is depicted lying on his side as the Ramabhar Stupa to mark his funeral pyre, is among the holiest places Buddhists cannot afford to miss.

      5. Rajgir: Rajgir is located in Bihar, India, and Buddha often visited this place and gave many sacred sermons. The Griddhakuta Hill (Vulture Peak) and Saptaparni cave, which depicts the first Buddhist council, have historical importance. You will get to know about something in the best pilgrimage for spiritual journey enlightenment in Rajgir.

      6. Shravasti: Shravasti was one of the most important cities of ancient India, located in modern Uttar Pradesh. It was here that Buddha used to spend his many monsoon seasons propagating his doctrines and performing miracles. The main location is the Jetavana Monastery. Other historical highlights, including stupas and monasteries, relate to its past prominence.

      7. Vaishali: Now Bihar is the place that has Vaishali, where Lord Buddha himself delivered his last sermon and declared his Pernirvana. Some of the significant landmarks include the Ananda Stupa. Which is considered to have relics of Buddha or is a place people visit to seek Danam to connect with Buddha’s final teachings, and the Ashokan Pillar.

      8. Nalanda: The other district in Bihar that has links to the antiquity of India is Nalanda. It Is famous for the ancient Indological university, Nalanda University. There are remains of stupas, temples, and monasteries, demonstrating the place’s importance as a center of enlightenment after being a university.

      9. Sanchi: Sanchi is situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh and is most popular for the stupas, among which the Great Sutra is worth mentioning. It was constructed by Emperor Ashoka. The architectural design, which refers to the gateways, shows various events of the life of Buddha, hence making it an artistic and religious place.

      10. Kapilvastu: Kapilvastu is the historical site of present-day Uttar Pradesh, India. Which molded the early life of Prince Siddhartha before he left the palace and kingdom in search of enlightenment. Excavated relics of the city as well as the palace site remind us of the young prince recognized as the Buddha.


Follow BuddhaYatraa to the divine abodes and get contaminated with the divinity and spiritualism of Lord Buddha. These places not only depict the phase of Buddha’s life but also provide a different feeling of divine darshan. Come with us and discover these holy sites; help change your way to spiritual travel tours.

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